Find links for different assembly-specific ministry websites and other valuable resourcesAxios One International
Axios One International is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is dedicated to finding the best technology solutions for domestic and foreign workers on the mission field.
Know the Word Ministries
Know the Word Ministries is a non-profit organization that is committed to preaching the Good News by inviting guests to speak at conferences as well as publishing monthly magazines.
Cornerstone Magazines
Cornerstone Magazines organized exclusively for religious, charitable, and educational purposes, as a not for profit corporation. CMI is to promote, organize, publish and manage religious magazines among Christians gathering in local churches or assemblies in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for teaching and expositing the Bible which is the Word of God, for building up the body of Christ
Christian Missions In Many Lands (CMML)
CMML is a nonprofit, faith-based service organization to serve missionaries from the United States serving in cross-cultural missions overseas. CMML serves missionaries who have been commended by local churches.
STEM Publishing
“Sound Teaching on Electronic Media” provides believers with hymns, teachings, authors, and more to grow in their knowledge of the Good News.”
Voices For Christ
Voices for Christ is an attempt to make Christ-centered ministry available to a wider audience.
Bible Gateway
Bible Gateway is an excellent source to find Bible verses in different versions and a wonderful study tool.
Good Words and Works
Voices for Christ is a resourceful page that provides hymns, and messages in different languages.
Assembly Care Ministriess
“Assembly Care exists to connect believers from New Testament patterned assemblies with commended workers, ministries, and other similar assemblies in North America. A second goal is to make believers more aware of commended workers laboring within North America, their practical needs, and our Biblical responsibility to “fellowship” in the gospel by meeting their needs.”